General parameters


Device factory identification


Device unique identifier on server program


The date in the parameter is a integer timestamp.Like from_date and to_date.




 XOR by code follows:
        IGNITION    : 0x0001,
        RUNNING     : 0x0002,
        IDLING      : 0x0004,
        PARKING     : 0x0008,
        AC          : 0x0010,


    -1: "All",
    0: "Default",
    1: "Business",
    2: "Personal",
    3: "Travel",


alarm code XOR result.Type is as follows:

    IGNITION: 0x0001, // start
    PARKING: 0x0002, // parking
    ALARM_EXTERNAL_POWER_LOST: 0x0004, // The external power supply is cut off
    ALARM_LOW_BATTERY: 0x0008, // Low voltage of the built-in battery of the device
    ALARM_SOS: 0x0010, // Urgent help
    ALARM_OVER_SPEED: 0x0020, // over speed
    ALARM_TOWING: 0x0040, // trailer alarm
    ADDRESS_REQUESTED: 0x0080, // Request the current vehicle address
    ALARM_ANTI_THEFT: 0x0100, // Anti-theft alarm trigger
    FILL_TANK: 0x0200, // Come on
    ALARM_FUEL_LEAK: 0x0400, // oil leak
    ALARM_GEOFENCE_OUT: 0x0800, // out of the electronic fence
    ALARM_GEOFENCE_IN: 0x1000, // enter the electronic fence
    AC_ON: 0x2000, // The air conditioner is on
    AC_OFF: 0x40000, // Air conditioner is off
    IDLE_START: 0x80000,
    IDLE_END: ​​0x100000,
    ALARM_VIBRATION: 0x200000, // Vibration alarm
    INVALID_MOVE: 0x400000, // tracker alarm 0x06 is converted
    ALARM_POI_OUT: 0x800000, // Out of POI range
    ALARM_POI_IN: 0x1000000, // enter the POI range
    GSM_JAMMER_DETECTION_START: 0x2000000, //GSM jammer detection start ,this need config
    GSM_JAMMER_DETECTION_END: ​​0x4000000, //GSM jammer detection end
    ALARM_EXTERNAL_POWER_RECOVER: 0x8000000, // External voltage recovery
    ALARM_EXTERNAL_POWER_LOWER: 0x10000000,// External power lower than preset external power, this need config;
    ALARM_RUDE_DRIVER: 0x20000000,//Rude driver alert, this need config;
    ALARM_COLLISION: 0x40000000,// collision alert, this need config;
    ALARM_TIRE_LEAKS: 0x1000001, //Tire leaks
    ALARM_TIRE_BLE_POWER_LOWER: 0x1000002, //The tire pressure device has low battery
    ALARM_TRACKER_POWER_LOWER: 0x1000004, //The power of the device is low
    ALARM_TURN_OVER: 0x1000008, //Turn over alert, this need config;
    ALARM_FALL_DOWN: 0x1000040,
    ALARM_POWER_ON: 0x1000080,
    ALARM_POWER_OFF: 0x1000100,
    ALARM_TEMP_ERROR: 0x1000200, //temperature error
    ALARM_TASK_FAIL: 0x1000400,
    ALARM_UNMOUNT: 0x1000800, //Disassemble
    ALARM_OPEN_COVER: 0x1001000,//Remove the cover
    ALARM_UNBOXING: 0x1002000,//Unboxing
    ALARM_INCLINE: 0x1004000, // tilt
    ALARM_MOVE: 0x1008000,//Move
    ALARM_INCLINE_REC: 0x1010000,//Tilt recovery
    ALARM_BATTERY_POWER_RECOVER: 0x1020000,//Battery low voltage recovery
    ALARM_USB_RECHARGE_START: 0x1040000,//External USB charging starts
    ALARM_INNER_TEMP_HIGH: 0x1080000,//The temperature inside the machine is high
    ALARM_UNMOUNT_REC: 0x1100000,//Disassembly recovery
    ALARM_OPEN_COVER_REC: 0x1200000,//Recover after removing the cover
    ALARM_UNBOXING_REC: 0x1400000,//Unboxing recovery
    ALARM_FALL_DOWN_REC: 0x1800000,//Fall recovery
    ALARM_INPUT_1_ON: 0x2000001,
    ALARM_INPUT_1_OFF: 0x2000002,
    ALARM_INPUT_2_ON: 0x2000004,
    ALARM_INPUT_2_OFF: 0x2000008,
    ALARM_INPUT_3_ON: 0x2000010,
    ALARM_INPUT_3_OFF: 0x2000020,
    ALARM_INPUT_4_ON: 0x2000040,
    ALARM_INPUT_4_OFF: 0x2000080,
    ALARM_INPUT_5_ON: 0x2000100,
    ALARM_INPUT_5_OFF: 0x2000200,
    ALARM_INPUT_6_ON: 0x2000400,
    ALARM_INPUT_6_OFF: 0x2000800,
    ALARM_INPUT_7_ON: 0x2001000,
    ALARM_INPUT_7_OFF: 0x2002000,
    ALARM_INPUT_8_ON: 0x2004000,
    ALARM_INPUT_8_OFF: 0x2008000,
    ALARM_INPUT_9_ON: 0x2010000,
    ALARM_INPUT_9_OFF: 0x2020000,
    ALARM_INPUT_10_ON: 0x2040000,
    ALARM_INPUT_10_OFF: 0x2080000,
    ALARM_INPUT_11_ON: 0x2100000,
    ALARM_INPUT_11_OFF: 0x2200000,
    ALARM_INPUT_12_ON: 0x2400000,
    ALARM_INPUT_12_OFF: 0x2800000,
    ALARM_INNER_TEMP_REC: 0x3000001,//Internal temperature recovery
    ALARM_MOVE_REC: 0x3000002,//Move recovery
    ALARM_COLLISION_REC: 0x3000004,//collision recovery
    ALARM_USB_RECHARGE_END: ​​0x3000008,//External USB charging disconnect
    ALARM_GPS_SIGNAL_LOST: 0x3000010,//Lose GPS Signal
    ALARM_GPS_SIGNAL_REC: 0x3000020,//GPS Signal Recovery GPS Recovery
    ALARM_ENTER_SLEEP: 0x3000040,//Enter Sleep
    ALARM_EXIT_SLEEP: 0x3000080,//Exit Sleep
    ALARM_GPS_ANTENNA_CUT: 0x3000100,//GPS Antenna Cut
    ALARM_INNER_TEMP_LOW: 0x3000200,//The temperature inside the machine is low
    ALARM_ARMED: 0x3000400,//armed
    ALARM_DISARMED: 0x3000800,//Disarmed
    ALARM_ULT_SENSOR_DROP: 0x3001000,//Ult-Sensor Drop
    ALARM_HARSH_LEFT_TURN: 0x3002000,//harsh left turn
    ALARM_HARSH_RIGHT_TURN: 0x3004000,//harsh right turn
    ALARM_FAST_DECELERATE: 0x3008000,//Fast Decelerate
    ALARM_FAST_ACCELERATE: 0x3010000,//Fast Accelerate
    ALARM_NOTICE_MAINTENANCE: 0x3020000,//Notice Maintenance
    ALARM_ENTER_BLIND_AREA: 0x3040000,//Enter blind area
    ALARM_EXIT_BLIND_AREA: 0x3080000,//Exit blind area
    ALARM_INNER_TEMP_LOW_REC: 0x3100000,
    ALARM_RFID: 0x3200000,
    ALARM_BLE_DOOR_STATUS_CHANGE: 0x3400000, //Bluetooth door sensor alarm
    ALARM_BLE_TEMP_SENSOR_HIGH_TEMP: 0x3800000, //Bluetooth high temperature alarm
    ALARM_BLE_TEMP_SENSOR_LOW_TEMP: 0x4000001, //Bluetooth low temperature alarm
    ALARM_BLE_TEMP_SENSOR_TEMP_RECOVER: 0x4000002, //Bluetooth temperature alarm recovery
    ALARM_BLE_TEMP_SENSOR_HIGH_HUMIDITY: 0x4000004, //Bluetooth high humidity alarm
    ALARM_BLE_TEMP_SENSOR_LOW_HUMIDITY: 0x4000008, //Bluetooth low humidity alarm
    ALARM_BLE_TEMP_SENSOR_HUMIDITY_RECOVER: 0x4000010, //Bluetooth humidity alarm recovery

The lower 24 bits are the alarm number,the upper 8 bits indicate the alarm group.
For example, query the alarm point containing ALARM_SOS,ALARM_OVER_SPEED and ALARM_POWER_ON, the parameter settings are as follows:



Defined as follows:

    0: Transmit directly
    1: Tire pressure sensor
    2: Fingerprint information
    3: RFID reader information
    4: RS232 capacitor fuel sensor information
    5: RS232 ultra sonic fuel sensor information

