How to get the push message

There are some real-time messages that need to be passed to the client through the server.We use websocket to implement this function.
There are two kinds of messages to listen: device data push and message data push.

Device data push

To get device data push need to do the following steps:

  • Connect to wss://
  • Send json message like: “{“token”:”userId”,”md5-password”:”md5-password”,”event”:”signin”}”

The receive message is like:

    event: 'snapshot', //message data type
    data: { //message data
	device_key: "191972038175241",
	id: 26847,
	imei: "1000000000112567",
	model: "T1",
	status: {
            ac: -1,
            acc: 1,
            acc_switch_time: 1627692684000,
            accumulating_fuel_consumption: 0,
            address: "",
            air_inflow_temp: 0,
            air_input: 0,
            air_pressure: 0,
            alert_sum: "404228143--972-2129968",
            alerts: 0,
            alerts1: 0,
            altitude: 42,
            analog1: 0.0703125,
            analog2: 0.0703125,
            analog3: 0,
            analog4: 0,
            analog5: 0,
            antithefted: 0,
            antithefted_status: 0,
            azimuth: 143,
            bat: 0,
            battery_voltage: 4.24,
            battery_voltage_percent: 100,
            comment: "",
            cooling_fluid_temp: 0,
            cur_event: 0, // This field represents the alarm number, and the corresponding relationship 
                          // refers to the definition of alarm number
            date: 1627693682000,
            dragThreshold: 0,
            drag_threshold: 0,
            engine_load: 0,
            engine_time: 13057434,
            event: 0,
            external_power_voltage: 28.09,
            fuel: 0,
            gps: true,
            gpsWorking: true,
            idle_status: 1,
            imei: "1000000000002567",
            input: "1:0|2:0|3:1|4:0|5:0|6:0|7:0|8:0",
            instant_fuel_consumption: 0,
            iop: 16384,
            is_external_battery_lower: 0,
            is_inner_battery_lower: 0,
            is_solar_charging: 0,
            is_usb_charging: 0,
            last_reg_date: 1627693682000,
            lat: 14.824593,
            latlng_valid: 1,
            link_type: "tcp",
            lng: 120.482598,
            location_date: 1627693682000,
            mileage: 145278016,
            network_signal: -999,
            obd_version: "",
            online: 1,
            output: "1:0|2:0|3:0|4:0|5:0|6:0|7:0|8:0",
            polling: 1627693682000,
            pwr: -1,
            relay: 0,
            relay_status: 0,
            remain_fuel_rate: 0,
            rpm: 0,
            rs232_device_valid: 0,
            satellite_count: 11,
            solar_voltage: 0,
            speed: 0,
            throttle_position: 0,
            version: "",
    error: 0,  //error code

Message type list

  • snapshot 
    Device location status update data
  • bleTire
    Bluetooth tire pressure device update information
  • rs232Tire
    RS232 tire pressure device update information
  • driver
    Driver update information
  • obdErrorInfo
    OBDII error message
  • rs232Fuel
    RS232 fuel device update information

Message data push

To get Message data push need to do the following steps:

  • Connect to wss://
  • Send json message like: “{“user_id”:”userId”,”md5-password”:”md5-password”,”type”:”registUserMessage”}”

The receive message is a json string, after decode is like:

    type: 'messagePass', //message data type
    from_id: 0,          //message sender's id,0 is System,1 is Alarm,others is users'id
    from_name: 'name',   //sender's name
    message: 'message',  //message content
    alarm_msg: object,   //alarm message object
    date: 0,             //message send date's timestamp

Message type list

  • messagePass
    Message push
  • getFileShake
    Can start requesting to download the file
  • downloadAllow
    The file is ready,can start downloading the file

Tips: It is recommended to send a “ping” message to the server every minute to keep the connection from being disconnected.