Automatically generate report tasks at regular intervals
- Get
- Post
- Parameters
- report_type
- period_type [1: “EveryDay”,2: “EveryWeek”,3: “EveryMonth”,4: “Custom”,]
- send_period_type [1: “EveryWeek”,2: “EveryMonth”]
- period_week_choose [XOR of the following values: su: 1,mo: 2,tu: 4,we: 8,th: 16,fr: 32,sa: 64,]
- send_daytime_diff_seconds [time zone3600]*
- period_month_choose [Generate a report on the number of each month,XOR by 2^1-31]
- time_duration_value [How long does it take to get data]
- time_duration_unit [the unit of time long to get data]
- imeis
- start_diff_second [start time of get data from a day,the number of seconds from 0 o’clock]
- end_diff_second [end time of get data from a day,the number of seconds from 0 o’clock]
- weekdays [which days valid in a week,XOR by 2^1-7]
- lang [The language in which the report file is sent]
- file_type [excel or pdf]
- journey_type
- duration_thresold [Interval threshold,in seconds]
- duration_code
- alarm_code
- alarm_code2
- email_enable Whether to send a message after the report is generated
- emails Send destination email address,Separated by commas
- note
- Parameters
- Put
- URLID schedule id
- Parameters
- type
- report_type
- period_type
- send_period_type
- period_week_choose
- send_daytime_diff_seconds
- period_month_choose
- time_duration_value
- time_duration_unit
- cronstr
- imeis
- start_diff_second
- end_diff_second
- weekdays
- lang
- file_type
- journey_type
- duration_thresold
- duration_code
- alarm_code
- alarm_code2
- email_enable
- emails
- note
- Delete
- URLID schedule id